Package com.toedter.spring.hateoas.jsonapi
package com.toedter.spring.hateoas.jsonapi
JSON:API-specific extensions, SPIs and Jackson customizations.
- See Also:
for JSON:API serializers and deserializers.JSON:API specific configuration.The list of possible affordance types.Class to build a single JSON:API compliant error.Class to build JSON:API compliant error messages.Specifies the JSON:API id of a resource object.LinkDiscoverer
implementation based on JSON:API link structure.Spring configuration for JSON:API support.Specifies if this field/method should be serialized to and deserialized from JSON:API meta.Builder API to create complex JSON:API representations exposing a JSON:API idiomatic API.This class represents a JSON:API object compliant to the see JSON:API 1.1 specification.Specifies the JSON:API relationships of a resource object.Specifies the JSON:API type of a resource object.Specifies the JSON:API type for resource objects of this class.Provides the JSON:API media typeapplication/vnd.api+json